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About This Site
In August, 2018, I was leaving on a business trip to the northern DR Congo. That evening I spoke to a dear AA friend of mine before I left from Johannesburg International. Later I found out that she had told her parents I was her sponser. That was the last time I ever spoke to Tiff.
Tiffany was going through a rough patch. I knew she loved the stories at the back of the book, and while trying to think of a way to help her, I hit on the idea of this site. On that trip, and the following one to Zimbabwe, I spent hours cutting and pasting from the book to a spreadsheet.
In September, two days before I left for Afghanistan, I attended Tiff's funeral.
In Kandahar I started the coding. I knew next to nothing about programming a computer, much less a website, (that probably still shows), but in addition to providing what I hope is a useful service I personally have had a lot of fun learning how to do this.
I hope you enjoy the daily quotes as much as I have enjoyed bring them to you. If just one of these e-mails brings words of wisdom to someone in a rough spot I will be eternally happy.
A big thank you to all those who have encouraged and helped me along the way, to those special people in my life who have gracefully tolerated my hours locked behind a keyboard, and especially to those authors, many passed on, who made this site (and far more importantly the Big Book) possible.
And to Tiffany who gave me the privilege of sharing just a little of her life with me, and for teaching me gratitude.
You are missed but not forgotten.
Yours in Recovery,
Durban, South Africa